Pythium Root Rot Prevention

Pythium root rot can arise after long periods of rainfall no matter what time of year, making summer a perfect time for symptoms to pop-up. Because it becomes active on cool-season putting greens in the springtime, fungicide applications for controlling it in the summer should be made before it begins, especially in situations where a history of the disease has been present.

Preventative Cultural Practices

Maintaining proper drainage and not overwatering greens are two cultural practices that can be used to help prevent Pythium root rot. Regular monthly venting practices on greens to create more airflow and surface drainage on greens are also recommended.

Preventative Fungicide Steps

Start preventative fungicide applications in May when soil temperatures reach 55-60° in the spring. Below is an effective preventative fungicide program to use:

If you cannot use a preventative fungicide program and end up needing a curative one, PBI-Gordon’s Segway Fungicide SC is a great curative fungicide. Always mix with a penetrant wetting agent and water in at least .1-.2”.

Pythium Root Dysfunction

Like Pythium root rot, Pythium root dysfunction can appear at any time of the year. Symptoms of the disease seem to occur the most often in hot summer weather. With root infections beginning to occur once soil temperatures reach approximately 54 degrees and higher, spring is the perfect time to prevent Pythium root dysfunction for summertime symptoms.

Preventative Cultural Practices

Cultural practices are important for preventing Pythium root dysfunction. To help with stress and increase photosynthesis, raise mowing heights in summer above .125”. Create an irrigation plan that addresses heat stress before it happens, and hand-water hydrophobic areas to prevent drought stress. Use soil surfactants to will help with soil moisture uniformity. Aerate and topdress often to increase oxygen and water movement in the soil profile.

Preventative Fungicide Steps

Be prepared to rotate fungicides and make monthly applications starting in the spring months to combat and stay ahead of Pythium root dysfunction. BASF’s Insignia SC, PBI-Gordon’s Segway, and ArmorTech’s Zoxy 2F are effective fungicides against Pythium root dysfunction. Make sure to water the application into the root zone with approximately .10″ of water. Soil surfactants are a great tank partner.