Spring is here and applications for disease control on ornamentals have already started. Those of you that have heard me give a talk on ornamental disease control know what a fan I am of two particular fungicides in combination: Tourney and Nordox Fungicides. Those two products provide a very broad spectrum of disease control. Nordox is a copper oxide fungicide and adds bacterial disease control to the mix, including fire blight. Tourney is also broad spectrum and has curative, as well as preventative, control capabilities. I have seen Tourney shut down rampant apple scab with a curative May and June application 30 days apart. With these two products in your program, very little will get away from you.

Those two products are the first and second punch of the fight. I am very pleased to introduce the 3rd and 4th punch: Pageant Intrinsic fungicide. This combo product contains two active ingredients, boscalid and pyraclostrobin, which also provide a very broad spectrum of disease control. With the exception of bacterial disease, you can cover just about anything you will find in the landscape. Another nice feature of Pageant is the plant health benefit it provides beyond disease control. Although not completely understood, the pyraclostrobin in the product promotes plant health and growth.

A rotation spray program with these products will provide unbeatable disease control, and are so broad spectrum, you won’t really have to be able to diagnose which disease you’re treating. You got it covered. With 4 different modes of action, you also have much less chance of disease resistance developing. So go on, punch them 4 times right in the kisser.

Pageant Intrinsic Fungicide Label
Pageant Intrinsic Fungicide SDS
Pageant Intrinsic Fungicide Brochure