Advanced Turf Solutions added several product offerings over the past few months. Take a look below at what’s new.


Serata Fungicide, by FMC, is specially formulated to combat Pythium diseases. It contains the active ingredient picarbutrazox, a new compound from the novel tetrazolyloximes class of chemistry. The new mode of action fungicide provides superintendents a new tool to combat Pythium root rot, Pythium blight, and Pythium root dysfunction. Picarbutrazox disrupts the normal function of the pathogen’s cellular membrane. 


Advanced Turf Solutions and Barenbrug have partnered on a new line of grass seed products featuring Barenbrug technologies and Foliar-Pak XCD coating. 

  • Advanced HGT features the very best of Barenbrug’s Kentucky bluegrass varieties. Starring Barvette HGT, Advanced HGT has outstanding bluegrass performance in the most difficult of climate adaptations, the transition zone.
    • Advanced HGT with XCD features Foliar-Pak’s XCD seed coating technology. XCD is a proprietary blend of beneficial bacteria, nutrients, Armament technology, absorbent technology, fungicide, and amino acids that work together to create an environment for the see that promotes germination, root growth, and successful establishment and prevents dampening off.
    • Advanced HGT 80/20 Kentucky Bluegrass/RPR is a blend of 80% Advanced HGT Kentucky bluegrasses (HGT) and 20% Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass (RPR).
  • Advanced RPR is a mixture of RPR varieties and elite perennial ryegrass. Advanced RPR is the solution for all golf, sports, and recreational facilities where elite perennial ryegrass quality is required. Advanced RPR’s extreme wear tolerance and ability to recover thin and damaged turf is unique to the industry. Extremely fast germinating and quick to establish, Advanced RPR can also be overseeded into traditional cool season turf lawns, such as Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, and traditional perennial ryegrass.
    • Advanced RPR with XCD features Foliar-Pak’s XCD seed coating technology. XCD is a proprietary blend of beneficial bacteria, nutrients, Armament technology, absorbent technology, fungicide, and amino acids that work together to create an environment for the see that promotes germination, root growth, and successful establishment and prevents dampening off.
  • Advanced RTF Advanced RTF is the most advanced and unique tall fescue mixture available, providing the benefits of rhizomes not found in any other varieties. While other spreading varieties describe “potential” rhizome development or “aggressive tillering,” the deep-rooted and heat-tolerant Advanced RTF has been proven to mend damaged turf and maintain both uniformity and density.


In January, we announced our new partnership with FlowZone, a manufacturer of battery-powered backpack sprayers. Advanced Turf Solutions now sells four models of FlowZone battery-powered sprayers: three backpack sprayers and one rolling sprayer, ranging in capacity from 2.5 to 9 gallons.

Flight Control Max is a liquid goose repellent for turf application. It prevents Canada geese from feeding on treated turf. Flight Control Max is waterproof, long-lasting, odorless, non-toxic, humane, people & pet friendly, and eco-friendly. It works 24/7 to control geese on golf courses, sports fields, and home lawns.