As we put 2020 behind us and move into 2021, here are a few thoughts about moving forward in the next 2 months before the hectic spring arrives. Let’s use the remaining 30-60 days to recharge, reorganize, and reevaluate your spring agronomic programs. 

Recharge: Try to wrap up your winter projects during a 4-day work week if possible over the next few weeks. Schedule a long weekend for you and your staff using a Friday or Monday here or there. Focus on the most important tasks for the week and get them completed before the weekend, so things aren’t spilling over into the weekend. If you have club or owner meetings, try to schedule them during the week too. This one isn’t always the easiest to get accomplished, but weekends, this time of year, should be for downtime for you, just like for your members that come to the club on the weekend. Enjoy time alone, with friends and family. Bottom line, the hustle and bustle of spring is not far away. Take time out while you can.

Reorganize: Utilize the last remaining off-season months to organize your shop, equipment, inventory, staff, and thought process going into 2021. If there is one thing that we learned from a chaotic 2020 it’s that organization can be a real key to increasing productivity, communication, and performance. A day or two this time of year planning and strategizing for the coming months can pay dividends in the months to come.

Reevaluate: Summer chaos, fall aerification and agronomics, EOP timing, holidays, and winter projects all seem to be one big blur at this point. One thing has led to another and all of a sudden spring is almost here. Take these remaining 60 days to take a good hard look at your upcoming agronomic programs. What should you keep the same? Where can you make changes? Where can you improve? What is one issue/problem you would like to eliminate in 2021? Focus now on the next 30-60 days of your programs and prepare for late March/April/May.

Here are a few things to consider:

Calibration: Get those rigs and spreaders serviced and calibrated.

Spring Fertilizers: Starters, One and Dones, Fert and Crabgrass Control

Spring Seed Head Control: Proxy, PGR 113, Anuew, Paclo. Poa will be seeding before you know it. Follow your GDD’s closely. Talk to your sales reps, they are traveling and discussing issues with other reps that could be from slightly warmer climates that may be ahead of your area.

Spring Wetting Agents: Plan to get your infiltration products out early. Proactivity with these products is more beneficial than reactivity.

Sprayable Crabgrass Control:  Dimension vs. Prodiamine. Take the time to weigh the pros, cons, and costs. You might be surprised by the outcome if you haven’t looked at this closely.

Spring Root Pathogens: Monitor your soil temps closely. Plan your preventative DMI applications etc…, proper timing is essential. Talk to your sales reps about new products or programs.

Spring Seed: Evaluate the species and cultivars you may want to seed with in the spring. Ask about coated seed and its benefits. It’s great technology!

Course Accessories: Finish up the refurbishing and ordering of any Par Aid/Standard items. Inventory hand tools, rakes, shovels, etc.

Soil Reports: Schedule those spring soil reports. The heavy snow cover most of us currently have with spring rains will certainly have an effect on available nutrients coming out of spring.

Pond Maintenance: Herbicide and Dyes

Spring ABW Control: Evaluate this program closely. Adulticide timing, product choice, and product rotation are key. The better the adulticide timing and efficacy, the less reliance on larvicides when the damage has already happened.

Spring Foliar Fertilizer Applications: Evaluate these in conjunction with your soil reports and soil temperatures, etc. If you haven’t…ask about our Foliar-Pak foliar fertilizer product line.

You may have ordered some or all of these items during EOP, but if you haven’t, do it now while you can spend some quality time doing so. Lastly, let your sales reps help you with some of these last-minute items. We are here to help you. Let us work on a program for you while you take a day away from the course and enjoy the time you have left before the craziness starts!