It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and while it may seem like spring is far away, it’s best to start prepping for the upcoming sports season ASAP. Get the scoop on the best stocking/truck bed stuffers for the sports turf professionals in your life (or yourself, we won’t judge).

Here’s our starting lineup:

Give the Gift of Grass Seed

Barenbrug’s patented Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass (RPR) is as stunning as it is strong. Their Advanced RPR coated with Foliar-Pak XCD steals the show when it comes to balancing aesthetics and utility.

Why it’s a top pick: When quality turfgrass is top priority, Advanced RPR answers the call. It’s a great product that has extreme wear tolerance and an ability to recover thin and damaged turf, which is unique to the industry. It germinates fast and establishes quickly, too. If you’re overseeding, you can use it on traditional cool-season turfgrasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, and traditional perennial ryegrass.

The bottom line: RPR withstands heavy traffic while maintaining high quality—it’s a game changer.

Ask Santa for Surfactant

For a granular soil conditioner and surfactant combo, look no further than Precision Labs In-Flow™. It influences water’s ability to flow into and throughout the profile of infield skins, helping sports turf managers find the best balance between water retention and movement for their infield, leading to better performance over a longer period.

Why it’s a top pick: The ability of your infield to uniformly retain and move water is integral to the safety and performance of your playing surface. In-Flow™ helps evenly disperse water, reducing surface tension for faster and more uniform penetration. This means you don’t have to use as much water to get the best playing conditions, the migration of infield material to your turf is reduced, and the performance of calcine clay conditioners is improved.

Bottom line: In-Flow™ gives you control over one of the most powerful elements—water—and enables you to use it to your advantage, giving your players the best playing surface possible.

Up Your Amino Acid Intake

Foliar-Pak® Foundation Forty is a powerful focused amino acid concentrate that promotes increased nitrogen fixation, chlorophyll production, energy production, and the production of anti-stress compounds in turfgrass and plants. In short, Foundation Forty fosters a greater uptake of nutrients, promoting energy and health, and increases the efficiency of many tank-mix chemistries.

Why it’s a top pick: Foundation Forty provides the amino acids needed to increase the production of osmolytes, which regulate water storage under drought, salt, and cold temperature stress. This helps your turf produce and store carbohydrates, allowing it to build energy reserves which it can draw upon in times of need. Plus, it offers greater uptake of nutrients and chemicals and results in better performance of tank-mix chemistries.

Bottom line: Foundation Forty enables sports turf managers to ensure their sports fields are healthy in all types of weather conditions, giving them a leg up against the elements and ensuring that the game can go on.

Make Growing Pains Go Away 

Foliar-Pak Grow-In is a one-size-fits-all solution for your turfgrass establishment program. It expedites the grow-in and establishment processes, helps maintain your turf, and aid in its recovery when heavy traffic occurs.

Why it’s a top pick: Grow-In combines nutrients necessary for rapid turfgrass establishment into one jug, giving you a comprehensive array of beneficial components that charge the plant and the soil, expedite maturity, and promote density and hardiness of the turfgrass stand.

Bottom line: Foliar-Pak Grow-In takes the guesswork out of turfgrass establishment, giving you multiple products worth of value in one.

Up Your Clay Conditioner Game

ATS 2000, by Advanced Turf Solutions, is a calcined clay conditioner that absorbs moisture and reduces compaction on your infield. It lets you take care of any excess water that comes your way, while reducing the amount of dust that comes as a result of play.

Bottom line: ATS2000 allows you to maintain an acceptable moisture level, while eliminating any excess that may come about as a result of precipitation.

Mark Mounds and Lines with Ease

You can never go wrong with foam markers, and Runway won’t discolor sensitive turf like many other marking foams.

Now that you’ve made your list and checked it twice, you can reach out to your rep for product recommendations and tips and tricks on how to best use your new products!