When planning a seeding or sodding project on any of your grass outfield areas, you should take a soil sample 14 days before starting your project. Your local Advanced Turf Solutions sales rep can complete this through Soil Solver. Testing the soil to know what it’s capable of is no different than us, as humans, getting bloodwork drawn. Apply any amendments that the soil test results recommend before starting the seeding or sodding process. Then, follow the corresponding directions below.


  • To prepare the soil, core aerate the area and drag the cores in. If you can’t core aerate, solid tine your field (if it is a small area, use a pitchfork to create holes and loosen the soil).
  • Slit seed/power seed in at least two directions perpendicular to each other. Seed at a half-rate in the first direction and the other half-rate in the second direction.
  • Broom or mat-drag any seed that is laying on top in fertilization and watering.
  • Spread four bags of ATS 9-12-6 organic starter fertilizer at a rate of four bags per acre.
  • Begin the watering process, running enough water to keep the seed bed moist throughout the day. Multiple short watering cycles are much better than a few heavy cycles.
  • After the seed has germinated, spray the entire area with Foliar-Pak Grow-In at a rate of 7.33 ounces per thousand square feet (or 2.5 gallons per acre).
  • Seven days after your first spray, repeat the spray application again with Foliar-Pak Grow-In at the same rate.
  • Fourteen days after your last Grow-In spray, apply ATS 22-3-11 with Armament slow-release fertilizer at a rate of four bags per acre.
  • Then begin a regular routine fertilizer plan, applying four to six pounds of nitrogen per thousand square feet. Apply two-thirds to three-quarters of it during the growing season and the other one-third to one-quarter in the non-growing season.


  • To prepare the soil, core aerate the entire field to loosen the soil and drag the cores in. This process reduces compaction and allows easy rooting.
  • Spread half of your 9-12-6 (two bags per acre) on the bare ground prior to sodding.
  • Lay the sod. Once all of the debris is cleaned up and the sod rolled, apply the remaining two bags of 9-12-6 at a rate of two bags per acre.
  • Begin the watering process, keeping the grass and rootzone wet (not soaked) throughout the day with multiple short watering cycles.
  • Seven days after sodding, spray 7.33 ounces per thousand square feet (or 2.5 gallons per acre) of Foliar-Pak Grow-In.
  • Fourteen days after sodding, repeat the same Grow-In application.
  • Three weeks after sodding, spread ATS 22-3-11 with Armament slow-release fertilizer at a rate of four bags per acre over the entire sodded area.

Regardless of whether you seeded or laid sod, begin mowing your field once the grass reaches the desired height of cut. Remember not to mow off more than a third of the entire plant with each mowing. Also, continue to water your grass once the seed has germinated or the sod has established. Use a few cycles each day to promote healthy grass growth, reducing the watering as the grass get more mature. Contact your sales rep if you’re interested in soil testing or have questions about any of the products mentioned above.