Whether you’re encountering worn hash marks on football fields or run-down goal mouths on soccer fields, choosing the right grass seed can make a big difference in helping your sports fields recover this fall. Here are two of our top seed picks:

Kentucky Bluegrass: 365ss

Kentucky bluegrass is resilient and can germinate in low soil temperatures, making it an ideal choice for seeding sports fields this fall. 365ss, by Mountain View Seeds, combines three top-rated bluegrass varieties into one product with excellent density. It gives your field a lush, green color and is highly resistant to traffic stress and disease. 365ss should be applied at a rate of two to four pounds per thousand square feet.

Since Kentucky bluegrass seedlings germinate slowly and aren’t traffic-tolerant, apply seed when field use is at a minimum. Kentucky bluegrass seedlings germinate in soil temperatures as low as 50°F, so late fall applications after the season has wrapped up are possible.

Perennial Ryegrass: Advanced RPR

Seeding with perennial ryegrass is common as cooler temperatures set in, and Advanced RPR has proven itself to be highly wear-tolerant—crucial for the high-traffic areas you’ll be seeding. It germinates quickly, too, filling in damaged areas fast. Plus, Advanced RPR is coated with Foliar-Pak XCD, which promotes germination, root growth, and successful establishment while preventing damping off. Seed at a rate of six to seven pounds per thousand square feet for the best results.

Perennial ryegrass stands out as a strong contender for fall seeding, thanks to the durability of its seedlings and its ability to thrive in cooler weather. Perennial ryegrass is often the turf of choice when repairing worn-out areas, especially baseball outfields since it fills in fast. Soil temperatures should be above 60°F when seeding to ensure germination.

Seeding Tips

  • Spread one bag of seed on high-traffic areas weekly during the playing season to combat lost density due to wear. Players’ cleats will naturally press the seed into the soil profile.
  • Be sure to water seeded areas frequently, especially until you mow them for the first time. When mowing, avoid removing more than a third of the blade.

Boost Development With Grow-In

Foliar-Pak Grow-In is an all-in-one liquid fertilizer that can make fall seeding easier. It contains all the foliar nutrients needed for rapid establishment, helping sports field managers enhance the density of established turf and rapidly establish new turf—all the way to maturity. Grow-In optimizes nutrient uptake (increasing it by up to 30%), increases biomass, and drives root growth, helping damaged turf recover and become more resilient.

From walking you through your seed options to building a program tailored to your field, your ATS rep is here to help. Call or email them today, or find a rep here.