There are plenty of reasons why zoysiagrass has been the most commonly used turfgrass on golf course fairways and tees in the transition zone for many years. It requires less fertilizer, less water, and has fewer pests while providing a smooth and consistent playing surface for golfers. However, the one area zoysia lags behind other grasses is color. Rarely do you see a deep, dark green zoysia surface, but it can be done while also promoting better turf health.

One great way to do that is a tank mix combination with:

Foliar-Pak Amperage is a blend of molasses with amino acids from glycine. Amperage helps boost photosynthetic activity, and the simple sugars supply supplemental energy to the plant. The molasses also will increase microbial activity for thatch reduction and mineralization of nutrients.

Carbosential Fe Turbo is both foliar and root absorbed, giving you a residual source of iron. It has added amino acids to aid in chlorophyll production along with sugars and carbs to increase plant energy.

Another great way to enhance color and health in your zoysia is by using fertilizers with MESA from Lebanon Fertilizer. MESA combines methylene urea and ammonium sulfate into a homogenous prill. Since it was introduced, MESA has consistently yielded better color response in zoysia without excessive top growth. Unlike coated products, if MESA is cracked or broken, it maintains the same slow-release properties. ATS carries several MESA blends, and you can contact your rep to see which one is best for you.