Is the bermudagrass you’re managing slow to green up? This is not uncommon. Bermuda is a warm-season grass that favors and grows best in hot and sunny weather. In some of our selling areas, temperatures dropped and light frost occurred. The bermuda used all of its energy (proteins and carbohydrates) to combat these conditions and green-up slowed. Be cautious: If bermuda’s proteins and carbohydrates are not replenished, growth will continue to be slow.

Two products you can use to replenish bermuda are Foliar-Pak’s Amperage and Foundation Forty. They are wonderful products to help build carbs and stress compounds within the plant to help combat these cooler temps.

P.S. You might also consider growth regulators in the future. If you’re a Superintendent, you might want to stay on growth regulators all winter to ensure bermuda doesn’t overgrow at the first sight of warm weather and use up the energy that it needs.