There are so many components to achieving an aesthetically pleasing, safe, and predictable playing surface that you might be asking yourself, “Where should I even start?” Advanced Turf Solutions’s Smart START Program is your answer. Smart START, which stands for Site Visit, Testing, Analysis, Recommendations, and Training, is the concept of using science-based testing to make the most accurate recommendations for your athletic fields.

By using multiple methods and scientific tools to gather data, we can maximize your budgetary dollars and target the specific areas of need. These recommendations are then used to create the best experience on your athletic fields for the players, coaches, athletic directors, groundskeepers, and the fans. Reduced rainouts, decreased field repairs and maintenance, improved field quality, and increased field rental revenues are just some of the benefits when using the Smart Start Program. Let’s dive deeper into the Smart START program to learn more.

S – Site Visit

When we visit your field, we actually spend time gathering information there. Our comprehensive visits are used to understand the facility, its uses, and current maintenance practices to help your field reach its maximum potential.

T – Testing

All of our testing is based on real-time science data gathered at your facility, which eliminates justifying your actions and guesswork. Testing will allow you to sustain quality during play, focus time and spending only where needed, and maintain surface consistency.

A – Analysis

Professional agronomist and sports turf managers will decipher data from multiple tests to write the programs for your fertility, irrigation scheduling, aerification, and other cultural practices.

R- Recommendations

By utilizing real-time data extracted from your facility, we are able to make the most informed decisions and maximize your budget dollars. It’s not about spending more money; it’s about spending those dollars correctly.

T- Training

Our services continue beyond making a recommendation and selling a product. Our staff is dedicated to making your facility the best it can be and the key to that success lies within your staff. We offer free educational seminars and staff training to help your staff reach success.

We want to make sure that every aspect of your outdoor facility is taken care of, so you can think of the Smart START Program and your sports turf rep as your virtual groundskeeper. Take us with you to help tackle each problem at your field. With decades of experience in the industry, our staff is well prepared for any task.

Talk to your Advanced Turf Solutions rep about a free field evaluation and get your facility enrolled in the Smart START Program today.