The summer of 2012 had to be a great year for irrigation companies. The lack of rain illustrated poor irrigation coverage as well as nasty water quality.

We ran soil tests on a country club in February and again in August. The sodium (Na) levels had increased anywhere from 2.5x to 5.45x, while calcium had decreased as much as 24%.  The highest Na levels were found on the greens that were exclusively hand watered, and those greens were getting very thin very quickly.

Sodium will displace potash in the plant and cause soft greens and weak turf.  If no deep flushing rains are coming, KaPre ExAlt at 16 oz/acre biweekly will help to push the salt out of the root zone when watered in thoroughly.  It’s recommended to apply Potash soon after the ExAlt.

Having your soil tested now will give you a better opportunity to adjust your nutrient levels and send the turf into winter as healthy as possible.

Best Regards,