During my travels in Central and Southwest Ohio the last few weeks, I have noticed the sprayers are out on golf courses for the first time this year. It reminded me that the time is near to begin applications for the control of diseases, like summer patch, anthracnose, and dollar spot. A successful disease control strategy begins with early season applications to knock back the disease pathogens.

Coin on turf

Although there are a number of options available, a great preventative program can begin with a DMI application, such as propiconazole (PPZ 143) or tebuconazole (TEB 360), when soil temperatures hit 50 to 55 degrees. This can be followed by a strobilurin application, like pyraclostrobin (Insignia) or fluoxastrobin, (Disarm) 14 days later.

A second DMI application should be made 30 days after the first DMI application. Soil temperatures should probably be around 60-65 degrees at the time of this application. With any of these applications, a contact fungicide, such as chlorothalonil, can be tank mixed to help clean up any active spring disease.

A good preventative disease control program can help set you up for success throughout the rest of the year. As Advanced Turf Solutions covers a wide and varying geography, contact your local ATS representative to discuss the best spray strategy and timing for your particular situation. Good luck and best wishes for a successful year!