The first months of 2014 have been a huge challenge, to say the least. It seems that winter never wanted to let go. As spring arrived, our warm-up was the slowest I can ever remember. Golf greens and other fine turfgrass areas in Northern Indiana wanted to green up, but we never had enough consistent soil temperatures to get the plants green and the chlorophyll production mode in process.

Our Foliar-Pak line of products continues to grow and this year we introduced N-Fuze 7-0-0, an ammonium sulfate-based liquid fertilizer. This product worked very well this spring to quickly enhance the green up on golf greens and tees and other fine turfgrass areas.

Grassland after

landscape view of field This combination has worked well in the north:

This was a great combination of Foliar-Pak products that provided early green up needed to get things going in this unusually cold Spring. Foliar-Pak products continue to deliver fantastic results for our finely manicured turfgrass areas.

I encourage you to work with your ATS representative to find solutions to help you manage your fine turfgrass areas with Foliar-Pak and the other great lines of products we have to offer.

I hope that all of you have a great year in 2014, and thank you so much for your business!