If you are monitoring growing degree day accumulations to plan your spring Proxy sprays, the above-normal winter temperatures thus far have your spring Proxy spray fast approaching.

Bayer Proxy growth regulator has evolved to be the standard PGR for Poa annua seedhead suppression on cool-season turf. The most effective Proxy program is to apply your 1st application in late fall, after final mowing. The late fall Proxy application improves the overall consistency of Poa annua seedhead control and adds 5-7 extra days flexibility to your spring application timing compared to not making a fall Proxy application.

If no Proxy application was made last fall, target your initial Proxy spray when you reach your GDD target, or a few days before GDD threshold is reached. In Ohio, the Midwest, this target is 200 GDD’s (using the 32-degree model). Some superintendents use forsythia bloom as an indicator to make this 1st application. Applying your first spray a few days early (before GDD 200 total) will yield better results. To avoid discoloration or phytotoxicity from cold temperatures and frost do not add PGR-113 or Primo when making early spring applications of Proxy.

In addition to improving playability and appearance on putting greens, Proxy will improve summer turf health as carbohydrates normally diverted to seedhead production are now utilized for other beneficial processes in the plant. Recent research by Bayer and years of Proxy use on courses has shown no negative effects from multiple applications of Proxy at 3-4 week intervals as long as label rates and instructions are followed closely.

To allow maximum absorption into the turf, do not water in Proxy. Allow your spray to dry and delay mowing for 1-2 days for the best results. Adding a Bayer Stressgard fungicide is an excellent combination that gives plant health benefits.

When a liquid fertilizer is needed to maintain color and growth, Foliar-Pak Amperage 5-0-0 is the perfect supplement to your spring Proxy sprays. Amperage 5-0-0 is a blend of nitrogen, iron, manganese, zinc and contains molasses and amino acids to give excellent plant response in cooler temperatures. To avoid an outbreak of leaf spot on regulated turf, timely spring fungicide applications using ArmorTech IP 238 (iprodione) at 4 ounces per 1000 is recommended.

For more information on Proxy and the Bayer Stressgard fungicides speak with your Advanced Turf rep or go to: www.backedbybayer.com.