The way the winter has gone, some of us are bound to see at least some turf not green up as the temperatures rise this spring. Whether the cause is prolonged ice cover resulting in lack of oxygen, desiccation, low-temperature kill, crown hydration, or snow mold damage, you may have to shift into recovery mode for some areas. Let’s all hope that damage is kept to a minimum.

Reviving or re-establishing turf in the spring can be difficult due to variability in sunlight and temperatures. Fortunately, Foliar-Pak provides a host of powerful bio-based nutrient solutions that will hasten recovery and re-establishment of damaged turf. Talk to your ATS representative soon to explore how Foliar-Pak will help improve recovery, turf density, rooting, and complete plant health in your struggling turf areas this spring.

Try this high-performance bio-stimulant program for recovery of turf subjected to winter damage including desiccation, oxygen depletion, freezing damage, and snow mold.



Rate per 1000 sq ft

Foliar-Pak N-Fuze Cool Weather Nitrogen Response 3 to 6 oz
Foliar-Pak Micros Plus Lateral Growth and Turf Recovery 1.5 to 2 oz
Foliar-Pak L-18 Activator Builds Proteins and Plant Biomass 1 to 1.5 oz
Foliar-Pak Promote Rooting and Photosynthesis 3 to 6 oz

Begin the Foliar-Pak spring recovery program at first mowing. For maximum recovery repeat application every 7 to 14 days. As with all foliar applications, you will see better results when the turf is not subjected to frost conditions.

Curt Geron
Guest Blogger
EnP Turf