The 2019 season has been a rollercoaster that has left most eager to blow out the irrigation system and walk away from the year. But not so fast. Below are just a few things you do not want to do before this season’s end. Don’t fall face-first into the finish line. Finishing strong will set you up for a better 2020.

Do not be too generous with your nitrogen applications

Although many are eager to see quick recovery from seasonal damage or aerifications, high levels of nitrogen are not the way to go. Excessive N, heading into the winter months, can create a lush plant that is easily susceptible to winter damage and disease. Instead, use the correct products that supply a sufficient amount of N while encouraging hardening off for the cold winter months ahead. 

Also, evaluate your potassium applications. Increasing your K output in moderation can pay dividends next season by giving the plant the resources it needs right now to recoup after this long season. The best option for all of this is the easy, plug and play, program that gives you everything you need:

Foliar-Pak’s Fall Foliar Program. Read all about it here:

Do not ignore your soil condition or irrigation water

You depend on your turf, and it depends on you to supply it with the best growing conditions possible. With countless things out there that can have a negative effect on your turf, testing is critical to fix issues that exist. Test tissue, irrigation water, and soil to give your turf its best shot.

There are several ways to do a soil analysis, but the most thorough version is Foliar-Pak’s “SoilSolver.” It will supply you with results and targets of both exchangeable nutrients and available nutrients. This information is graphed, recorded, and comes on one sheet, which makes it very easy to read. The information is also sent to experts, who evaluate it and give you a full report with recommendations on foliar and soil applications. 

Read about SoilSolver and other benefits here:

Do not overlook your irrigation water. It can play a significant role in your turf’s season-long health and can act as a wrecking ball to even the most thought out program. 

Don’t miss out on your perfect fertilizer application date

Every golf course staff wishes they had more personnel. Staffing issues can make things like fairway and rough fertilizer applications a big headache. Take the pressure off yourself right now by scheduling our cost-effective, fast, and accurate GPS fertilizer customer applications. Our applicator will show up with your selected fertilizer and can be completed before your first golfer ever knew they were there. You will wish you would have done this years ago! 

fertilization truck on golf course