Canada geese are messy. They “create” 3 lbs of bacteria-ridden fecal matter per day. Besides the damage they do to the turf, watch out when they are protecting their goslings. They fear nothing! Now is the time to plan the attack on these “poop machines” before they hook up and nest late February through early March. Once they hook up and nest on a site, they are there until mid-July when the goslings are able to fly. So, get your attack armor on and pooper scooper out!

Flight Control can be a very profitable additional service you can offer your clients. It is sold as a seasonal program (5-6 applications per season).

A backpack sprayer, tank sprayer, or a ride-on sprayer-spreader like a Steel Green Manufacturing unit makes applying flight control very easy. The initial application use rate is 1 gallon of product with 6-20 gallons of water per acre (4.9 lbs A.I. per acre) for subsequent applications apply 1/2 gallon of product with 6-20 gallons of water per acre.

As frustrating as geese can be, they are still (and I don’t know why) a protected species. When the geese eat the treated grass and have digested it, they experience a severe upset stomach and will move to a different grazing area.

Flight Control has some excellent tools for free to help you add goose control to the services that you can offer your customers.

Seasons for Canada Geese Chart

Professional Applicator Resources

As always direct your questions to your helpful ATS sales rep!