Since joining Advanced Turf Solutions’ management team four years ago, one of my main objectives has been to find and evaluate products that are more, shall we say, “green.” It just makes sense to find products that are more sustainable, and in the case of soil fertility, products that add life and balance back into the soil. I am also motivated to find “greener” products because our customers are demanding them.

During my days as a research and development rep in the crop protection industry, I developed two hard rules to evaluate a new product. One, it must perform, and two, it has to be affordable.  Performance must balance cost to provide maximum value. I am happy to say we are providing these types of programs and products here at Advanced Turf Solutions.

One good example of this is the Holganix product line for turf and ornamentals. This new bio stimulant / biocatalyst product adds life and fertility to the soil biology, allowing the reduction of synthetic fertilizer and pest control inputs. Along the same line are our liquid, organic based fertility programs for ornamentals, including the Foliar-Pak Bio 12-6-6 fertilizer and Root Guard bio stimulant programs. We are seeing fantastic results with these fertility programs, and they are affordable. In the case of insect and disease control, with have added new OMRI organic approved products like TriTek Spray Oil Emulsion, and Nordox 75 WG copper fungicide. Both provide great value with performance and cost.

I am continuing to evaluate a number of new sustainable products, so keep in touch with us at ATS. More to come!