Remember the line from that old Van Halen song, “Dancing in the Streets”?  Summer’s here and it’s time to play!  Well that’s the theme for all baseball fields around the country. The spring season for high school and college is just finishing up and the summer leagues are now in full swing.

Now that opening day is over and we are in the midst of the regular season, that doesn’t mean we can forget about the general maintenance that needs to be completed.  The pitcher’s mound and home plate area need to be addressed every day if you want to keep your field in top shape.  After your game, be sure to sweep out all of the loose conditioner and infield mix out of the hole that was created during the game.  Add a little water to moisten the base and pack in new mound clay.  Coat the area with fresh conditioner, lightly moisten the area, and cover it for the night.  The cover will help the keep the area from drying out and retaining moisture and keep it pliable for the next day.

Make sure you address your edges on a weekly basis.  This will help insure you do not end up with a lip on the transition areas from the skin to the grass.

For more tips on how to maintain your field and information on what product will work best for you, please contact your local Advanced Turf representative and they will be able to guide you in the right direction.Baseball Field