A customer of mine, Brian Maurer with Brian-Kyles Landscapes of Distinction, recently contacted me for a snow and ice removal solution. During a previous snow event, he felt that he went through way too much salt due to the cold temperatures and lack of residual performance.  Brian asked if we had a liquid deicing product that he could try during the next snow to see if there was any improvement.  We consulted Roy Smith, our resident snow expert, and Brian agreed to try Thawrox, a liquid magnesium chloride carbohydrate product that is exclusive to Advanced Turf Solutions.

Thawrox can be used in a number of ways:  It can be used to treat bulk salt, for pre-treatment of pavement, and as a stand-alone product that can deliver very fast response compared to regular bulk salt.  It can also be used to treat salt application equipment to improve flow and reduce corrosion.

Typically, Brian said he would have put down 1950 pounds of bulk salt per acre on the first treatment and followed it with a second application of 1100 pounds per acre to clean up after plowing.  With Thawrox, he treated his salt with 5 gallons per ton and only applied 1100 pounds on the first treatment and he said that the residual was so good that he did not need to do a second follow-up application.  That is a 1950-pound reduction in the amount of bulk salt he would have used otherwise, not to mention the time and labor saved not having to go over the property again.

Thawrox in action“Thawrox in action, 1 app applied at 11:30 am!  I’m sold Sammy!”  –Brian D. Maurer, CLT Brian-Kyles Landscapes of Distinction

Just another example of how Advanced Turf Solutions works hard year-round to provide our clients with innovative solutions to meet their needs.