A ride-on sprayer-spreader is not just for residential and commercial properties. This machine is handy on sports fields as well. It can help with more effective applications and make a field manager more efficient.

Where there is a natural grass playing field, there is a need for a fertility program, weed or pest management program, fungicide program, topdressing program, and more. These products are applied in some way, shape, or form and can be extremely labor-intensive, especially if using a push spreader. Depending on what piece of equipment you have to get the granular products out, you most likely have a separate piece of equipment that applies the liquid products. With a ride-on sprayer-spreader, you can use both granular and liquid products at the same time. This is the best way to be more efficient and effective by essentially making two applications simultaneously.

Having this ability saves time from using multiple pieces of equipment and may save time and money on having to maintain multiple pieces of equipment. In addition to the time and money savings, you are only calibrating one machine. Once you decide on the products and rates of those products, it’s very easy to calibrate the machine for your field and that particular program.

Some machines like the Steel Green line are extremely customizable as well. If you mostly apply liquids, you can add various tanks that give you extra spray capacity. This may be in the form of a 35-gallon supplemental tank that would be used in place of the granular hopper. Or maybe you just need 7 gallons of a specialized product that you would only spot spray. In this case, you could add a 7-gallon independent tank that gives you on-demand spot spraying abilities.

A common attachment for sprayer-spreader machines spending their time on sports fields is a foam marking kit. This gives you the ability to see where you’ve sprayed and where to make your next pass. The operator will often struggle to see tire tracks on low mow turfgrass, so a foam marking kit is a nice guide when making an application. These are just a few of the ways to customize a machine that is right for you and your facility.

At the end of the day, most are being asked to do more with less. Having a safe and aesthetically pleasing field is essential to all sports field managers, but they may struggle with the number of staff or simply having enough time to get everything done. A ride-on sprayer-spreader will help an applicator be more effective with their applications and be more efficient with their time. This will allow more time to get other things done throughout the day and provide athletes, parents, fans, and others with safe and healthy fields.