If you own a lawn care company, you know it’s about much more than yard work. In “The Business of Lawn Care” series, we discuss topics related to managing and growing a company in the lawn care industry.

As the lawn care industry continues to battle labor shortages, consider this: The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics found that women made up only 7.2% of “landscaping and groundskeeping workers” in 2022. Meanwhile, the female labor force participation rate in 2022 was 56.8%. This data represents an opportunity to reduce the lawn care labor gap by recruiting women into the industry.

How does a historically male-dominated industry become a more welcoming and inclusive place for women? ATS Sales Representative Nikki Hendrickson wrote an article for Turf Magazine in which she commended female representation within the leadership of local industry associations. For Nikki and other women in lawn care, leadership opportunities have been crucial to their sense of belonging in the industry. 

The National Association of Landscape Professionals also has a helpful article that recounts stories of several companies making gender diversity a strategic priority. Their stories demonstrate that mentorship is an important piece of the puzzle, too. NALP has a program called the Women in Landscape Network that focuses on the mentoring piece, offering a supportive community for women in the industry. This is an excellent resource group to promote to your female crew members.

Another practical way to support women in the industry is to ensure they have the physical tools to get the job done efficiently. FlowZone’s battery-powered sprayer line is highly accessible to women because the sprayers are lightweight and comfortable while still being rugged and flexible. We carry four models of battery-powdered FlowZone sprayers: three backpack sprayers and one rolling sprayer.

These sprayers are all powered by an 18-volt lithium-ion battery that provides up to three hours of continuous spraying (up to 110 gallons) on one charge. You can see the weight of each model, along with its capacity, below:

In addition to being lightweight, these sprayers are significantly quieter than gas-powered alternatives. Your customers and their neighbors will appreciate the noise reduction, while your female crew members will be set for success with these maneuverable sprayers.

The ComfortStraps backpack system makes FlowZone backpack sprayers even more practical for women. This multi-adjustable strap system ensures the sprayers fit comfortably for any height or body type.

FlowZone sprayers are not just for turf applications. They’re also excellent for making mosquito control applications. They provide the accuracy needed for safe, targeted mosquito applications. If you’ve wanted to add mosquito control services to your lawn care offerings but didn’t think you had the labor for it, consider recruiting women for the job.

Ultimately, women represent a large—and largely untapped—labor pool for the future of lawn care. Welcoming women into the industry involves everything from leadership and mentorship opportunities to equipment that helps them get the job done. Which of these actions can your company take to help bridge the gap?