The ice is melting and algae is growing. In fact, algae is growing under the ice as I write this. With ponds now full of rich nutrients from winter melt and runoff, plants and algae have all the nutrients they need to grow. They are ready to bloom and take off just like us after this great winter.

With algae growing season beginning, it is time to start thinking about your ponds. Most of us do not think about our ponds until it is too late and, by then, algae and weeds have sprung up all around and in them. Remember algae is growing…weeds are growing. As superintendents, you have a lot to get ready for in the spring and ponds are just not top priority. However, they do become top priority when they look and smell bad.

At Advanced Turf Solutions, we have your back. We have an extensive line of pond products. We a have biological solution. Precise Pond is a biological product combining naturally occurring enzymes and select bacteria, which feed on and metabolize phosphates and nitrates in pond water and muck. We also have an extensive line of herbicides to help control every weed you will encounter. We have pond dyes to help with light infiltration as well as aesthetics.

We have all smelled and seen that ugly pond. Advanced Turf Solutions can help you have a pond to remember for a good reason. Ask your ATS consultant how we can help, so you can focus on the good green.