Is your turf looking a little thin? Or does it have areas of damage from disease or insects?

Overseeding in the spring is a great way not only to recover a lawn but to also thicken it up and make it more resistant to the effects of disease, insects, and summer droughts.

3 Tips for Spring Overseeding

Before beginning the overseeding process, read these three quick and important tips for success:

  1. Timing. Wait, don’t do it now! It’s too early and too cold unless your goal is not new grass but to feed the birds. For most northern areas, the weather will be warmer in mid-May, and you will get better germination. Grass seed germinates at about 55 degrees.
  1. Preparation. Seed to soil contact is everything! Scuff the turf a bit or aerate. Putting seed on soil compacted like concrete will not get the desired results for you or for your customers.
  1. Don’ts. Don’t use pre-emergents. This seems obvious, but it happens a lot. After the seed germinates, DON’T use broadleaf herbicides for at least 2 months. If you are worried about weeds, use a starter fertilizer with Mesotrione the same day as seeding. It will come up clean.

If you need help with product selections for your spring overseeding, please reach out to your ATS sales rep!