Now that we are in the heat of the summer, everyone’s looking for that “magic bullet” to help them survive and advance to the fall. While sound agronomic processes are the backbone to success, there are a few tools in the Advanced Turf arsenal that, when used properly, have yielded excellent results. 

One tool is CSi L from Foliar-Pak. It has made its mark on the turf industry since its release a couple of years ago. CSi L helps fight stress from both traffic and drought on the golf course.

Traffic Stress 

Often, especially in sand-based soils, silicon is the missing link in strengthening cell walls— particularly in the cuticle. To maximize green speeds, increase surface firmness, and improve playability, most superintendents employ frequent mechanical methods of double-cutting, rolling, topdressing, and verticutting. These mechanical practices are very stressful and result in thinning out the turf stand and making it more susceptible to disease. 

CSi L offers a form of silicon that the plant absorbs through its leaves and quickly uses to strengthen cell walls, especially those in the cuticle. Toughening this outer shell of the plant leads to a stronger turf stand that handles daily wear and tear much better. Another advantage of CSi L is that it reduces the need for some of the mechanical practices mentioned above. Silicon results in more upright growth of the leaf blade, which means increased density and a better cut. A turf stand with these qualities needs less double-cutting, rolling, and verticutting to achieve necessary green speeds. That’s why you often hear folks say Foliar-Pak helps them achieve better greens surfaces without having to work as hard. 

Drought Stress

The component in CSi L that separates it from other silicon products is one specific amino acid that typically works as an osmolyte. This is a good salt that impacts water relations in the plant, like potassium does. On a cellular level, it improves the plant’s ability to maintain proper hydration during drought and salt stress conditions. Proper hydration during drought situations goes a long way toward reducing damage from heat stress.

Moisture Management

Another tool that helps people survive and manage moisture on their greens without the guesswork is the TDR 350 moisture meter. Offering the proven time-domain measurement technology you have come to recognize for more than 30 years, the TDR 350 accurately measures soil moisture across the full range of soil conditions. Improved ergonomic design provides quick and easy measurements. Validate your cultural practices with hands-free data collection integrated with Bluetooth and GPS. This product helps manage water responsibly and reduce operating expenses. It allows the superintendent to really focus on areas that are prone to LDS and moisture loss. 

As the heat of the summer approaches, reach out to your local ATS representative for suggestions on how to better manage your playing surfaces.