Several turfgrass issues thrive in warm, wet conditions. Lack of air, poor drainage, compacted soil, and excessive thatch also contribute to infestations. In this post, we’ll look at three pests to be on the lookout for this summer.

Brown Spot

Keep an eye out for brown spot disease under warm, wet conditions. You can identify brown spot by the circular spots it creates, which can range in diameter from six inches to several feet. To prevent brown spot and other diseases, avoid overfertilizing, follow proper watering practices, and try to increase air circulation. 

Pythium Blight

Another common disease that occurs in warm, wet conditions is Pythium blight. You can identify pythium blight by the small, irregular spots it creates, which range in diameter from one-half to four inches. These spots can appear water-soaked and feel slimy. Pythium blight often develops in low areas that hold moisture.


Moving away from diseases, grubs also thrive in warm, wet conditions. The insect larvae live in the soil and feed on roots, damaging turfgrass from underground. High moisture levels not only encourage grub populations but also weaken roots, making them doubly vulnerable in wet conditions.

The good news about these humidity-loving pests is that they are treatable. Talk to your ATS rep about the solutions available for controlling brown spot, Pythium blight, and grubs this summer.