You’re probably familiar with using plant growth regulators (PGRs) on turfgrass, but have you considered adding them to your shrub maintenance programs? Here are five reasons to use a plant growth regulator on shrubs.

  1. By slowing shrub growth, a PGR will allow you to prune less frequently. 
  2. If you maintain shrubs that require regular shaping, a PGR will do some of the maintenance for you by slowing the time it takes shrubs to grow out of the desired shape.
  3. A PGR like Cutless is especially good at slowing the growth of otherwise fast-growing shrubs like fig ivy, loropetalum, and viburnum. 
  4. If you maintain HOA common areas, a plant growth regulator can help you manage driving visibility problems related to overgrown shrubs.
  5. Spraying a PGR is quicker and easier than pruning a shrub to perfection, which cuts labor costs.

Talk to your sales representative today about adding a plant growth regulator to your shrub maintenance program.