Areas of your playing surface may start to thin as the turf receives traffic. Overseeding will help these thin areas fill back in to maintain 100% cover. Here are a few tips to ensure the overseeding process is successful during and after:


Proper irrigation is vital for establishing turfgrass, so the seedbed must be kept moist after overseeding to allow the turfgrass seedlings to germinate. Immediately following the overseeding process, begin a regular, yet light and frequent irrigation program. Irrigating too much can lead to many problems, including disease. Make sure to exercise caution with the amount of water you use.

  • Water 2 to 4 times during the day (unless a rain event occurs).
  • Encompass the whole area that was overseeded.
  • It is important to keep the top ½ to 2 inches of the soil moist, so the turfgrass seedlings remain moist.
  • Avoid standing water.
  • Once the seedlings are about 2 inches tall, you can reduce the frequency and begin to water more deeply.


  • Mowing will encourage the seedlings to fill in more quickly. Make sure the ground is firm and the mower blades are sharp.
  • You may only mow 30% of the plants on the first mowing, as the stand will be in different stages of development. With each successive mowing, you will mow more and more of the plants, and they will continue to mature and fill in.
  • Remember: Mow when the new turfgrass reaches the desired cutting height. Mow frequently to ensure that no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade is cut when mowing.


Apply a starter fertilizer. Be sure to consult with your ATS sales rep to create a customized fertilizer program that fits your needs.