Which insects does bifenthrin control best? Why would you choose to apply bifenthrin over other insecticides? Get these questions answered and a few more in the bifenthrin video or transcript below, featuring Advanced Turf Sales Rep Nikki Hendrickson.


What insects does bifenthrin control best?

Bifenthrin is a great all-around insecticide. It has a very wide label. So, you can control beetles; you can control caterpillars; you can control soft-bodied insects, such as aphids and whiteflies. You can also get mosquito control out of it and fleas and ticks.

Why would we use bifenthrin over the other insecticide active ingredients?

I would use bifenthrin over other active ingredients when you’re really wanting a curative control where you cannot use a systemic. Bifenthrin is a contact insecticide, and I would use it, especially for things like bagworms on arborvitae. Great control there.

How is bifenthrin best used?

Bifenthrin can be used in several different ways. It can be used out of your spreader/sprayers for surface-feeding insects, or it can be used in a wide variety of tree/shrub applications. Where I would really look to use bifenthrin is in situations where I cannot use the systemic, and that would be for caterpillar control on trees and shrubs. Think of bagworms on arborvitae.

Is it okay to use with a ride-on sprayer/spreader?

You can use bifenthrin on a ride-on spreader/sprayer. If you’re going after surface-feeding insects, I would try to get a volume of at least a half a gallon going down per thousand. You can also use it in a granular form. We have a product called ProSect, which is bifenthrin on a granular, that you can also use for surface-feeding insects.