Brad Nevitt

Senior Vice President of Sales


[email protected]

Locations Louisville Markets ServedLawn And LandscapeGolf CourseSports Field
A little more about Brad Nevitt

As one of our golf experts, Brad Nevitt is here to meet the needs of ATS customers like you. Brad has been in the green industry since 1998 and has been with ATS since 2009. Before entering the industry, Brad studied at Western Kentucky University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science.

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Blog Golf Course
Bermudagrass and Winter

As we get into mid-November, we often start to think about “putting our bermudagrass to bed”. Preparing this turf for winter means different things for different turf managers.

Prodiamine and Glysophate Resistant Poa in Warm-Season Turf

There have been many talks about different herbicide-resistant strands of Poa annua in warm-season turf over the last few years. This has been primarily further south of our region. However, I have seen what we believe was resistance in Louisville, Ky. This case was not confirmed, but all indications pointed to resistant strands.

Blog Golf Course
The Benefits of Bluemuda on Golf Courses

Clubs have experienced increased memberships and rounds after interseeding Bluegrass into Bermuda. It has allowed clubs to renovate from a warm season course to a cool season feel, with little or no disturbance.

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