dan shemon

Dan Shemon

Sales Representative


[email protected]

Locations Farmington Hills Markets ServedGolf Course

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Soil Surfactants for Improved Turf Quality

With spring finally giving way to summer heat and drought conditions appearing across much of the Midwest, pump stations, wells, and irrigation systems are being pushed to their limits as water shortages start to occur.

Blog Golf Course
Preparing for Snow Mold Season

With the change of the season and the trees glowing in golds, reds, and yellows, we are entering the next season of turfgrass diseases: snow mold. 

Blog Golf Course
Spotlight on Southeastern Michigan: Early Season Application Best Practices

There is a ton of information out there, but sometimes you just want information tailored to you. If you work on a course in Southeastern Michigan, check out these early season application best practices to keep your course on track for the season.

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