David Bash

Sales Representative


[email protected]

Locations Fishers Markets ServedLawn And Landscape
A little more about David Bash

As one of our lawn experts, David Bash is here to meet the needs of ATS customers like you. David has been in the green industry since 1994 and is involved with IPLLA and MRTF.

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Latest Educational Content

Blog Lawn & Landscape
Preparing Your Lawn and Landscape for a Long Winter’s Nap

Preparing turf for winter during the fall months will help it recover and come back thick, green, and healthy next spring.

Blog Lawn & Landscape
Ice Melt Application Advice

Like it or not, winter is just around the corner. Rakes will soon be replaced by shovels, and fertilizer by ice melt. Before you start applying ice melt on your driveway and sidewalks this winter, brush up on these best practices.

Blog Lawn & Landscape
Preparing Your Lawn for a Long Winter Nap

Preparing turf for winter during the fall months will help it recover and come back thick, green, and healthy next spring.

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