Jason Bennett

Golf Sales Manager


[email protected]

Locations Brecksville Markets ServedGolf Course
A little more about Jason Bennett

As one of our golf experts, Jason Bennett is here to meet the needs of ATS customers like you. Jason has been in the green industry since 1995 and has been with ATS since 2013. He is involved with the Northern Ohio Golf Course Superintendents Association as a board member. Before entering the industry, Jason studied at Ohio State University, graduating with a Bachelor of Turfgrass Science.

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Latest Educational Content

Blog Golf Course
Prior Proper Planning

As I sit here thinking of a topic to discuss for this blog, I am reminded of a quote: “Prior proper planning prevents poor performance.” Had I remembered those wise words and been prepared, writing this blog at the last minute may have gone much smoother. 

Blog Golf Course
Strategies to Lower the Risk of Anthracnose

Although you will be busy with spring cleanup in the next few weeks, now is the time to start thinking about those first applications to your turf.

Blog Golf Course
Fall Seedhead Suppression Application

With fall aerification finished for most of us, it’s time to focus on the final step before putting your turf to bed for the season. 

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