Jim Hess

Sales Representative


[email protected]

Locations Fishers Markets ServedGolf Course

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Blog Sports Field
Wetting Agents for Fall Root Recovery

As fall approaches, we’re entering prime recovery season. Most everyone in the turf industry knows how important it is to feed the turf this time of year to help encourage root growth. Unfortunately, most stop with just the fertilizer, when water management in the soil profile is just as important to root growth.

Blog Golf Course
Summer Patch Control for Golf Courses

With the arrival of long, hot days comes an unwelcome visitor to the golf course: summer patch. A strategy that combines chemical and cultural tactics is your best defense against the destruction it causes.

Blog Golf Course
Treating Take-All Patch

Take-all patch is a disease of creeping bentgrass that can occur on golf course greens, tees, and fairways.

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