Joshua Smith

Sales Representative


[email protected]

Markets ServedGolf Course
A little more about Joshua Smith

As one of our golf experts, Joshua Smith is here to meet the needs of ATS customers like you. Joshua has been in the green industry since 2003. He holds an A.S. in Applied Science in Golf Course and Landscape Management from Texas State Technical College.

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Blog Golf Course
Topdressing Warm-Season Turf

Topdressing is the act of applying a layer of sand (as thin or thick as can be applied with the correct growing conditions) to a turfgrass stand and brushing, grooming, or irrigating it into the canopy. The purpose of topdressing serves three main goals, as described below.

Blog Golf Course
Pre-Emergent Herbicides for Warm-Season Grass

Pre-emergent herbicides work by forming an impenetrable barrier in the soil during seasons of high weed pressure, which occur when the turf is transitioning into or out of dormancy. 

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