Travis Livingston

Sales Representative


[email protected]

Locations Monroeville Markets ServedGolf Course
A little more about Travis Livingston

As one of our golf experts, Travis Livingston is here to meet the needs of ATS customers like you. Travis has been in the green industry since 1988 and has been with ATS since 2018. Before entering the industry, Travis studied Turfgrass Science at Penn State University.

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Latest Educational Content

Blog Golf Course
Preventing and Dealing with Summer Turfgrass Stress

The “dog days of summer” will be here shortly and summer stress will take its toll…

Blog Golf Course
Summer Recovery Without Excess Fertilization

Late summer and early fall can be a difficult time of year to properly dial in fertilization applications.

Blog Golf Course
Preparing for Fall

As much as we look forward to fall’s arrival, it doesn’t always come without stress. Shorter days, reduced staff, member expectations, leaf removal, agronomic programs, course projects, budgeting, and early order programs are all headed on a collision course over the next three to four months. How well you prepare for all of these issues now can have a profound impact on your results. This blog post will outline steps you can take to ensure you are maximizing your fall production.

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